
background emmission of scusi

Jun 21, 2009 - 2 minute read - Censorship Politik Presse Zum drüber Nachdenken

Wir sind China!

Das Wall Street Journal attestiert uns das inzwischen. Ich zitiere von :

The Chinese government may be backing down from its plan to install new “filtering” software, Green Dam [scusiblog berichtete], on all Chinese computers. But it would be naïve to think that scrapping the Green Dam mandate means the end of headaches for computer- and device-makers world-wide. More and more governments – including democracies like Britain, Australia and Germany – are trying to control public behavior online, especially by exerting pressure on Internet service providers. Green Dam has only exposed the next frontier in these efforts: the personal computer. […] But Green Dam is only an extreme example of a global trend: The Internet censorship club is expanding and now includes a growing number of democracies. Legislators are under growing pressure from family groups to “do something” in the face of all the threats sloshing around the Internet, and the risk of overstepping is high.

In Germany, Internet users and civil liberties groups are fighting proposed legislation mandating a national censorship system. The Bundestag votes today on a bill authorizing German police to establish and maintain a list of Web sites that Internet service providers would be required to block. In a petition against the bill, German civil liberties groups call it “untransparent and uncontrollable, since the ‘block lists’ cannot be inspected, nor are the criteria for putting a Web site on the list properly defined.” These concerns aren’t unfounded: Some German politicians have already suggested extending the block list to Islamist Web sites, video games and gambling Web sites, while book publishers have suggested it would also be nice to block file-sharing sites too.

Da will man nur noch anfügen: …und die Musik Industrie auch!